Technically the actual physical card is known as a universal integrated circuit card (UICC) this smart card is usually made of PVC with embedded contacts and semiconductors, with the SIM as its primary component. A typical SIM card (mini-SIM with micro-SIM cutout) A smart card taken from a GSM mobile phone T-Mobile nano-SIM card with NFC capabilities in the SIM tray of an iPhone 6s A TracFone Wireless SIM card has no distinctive carrier markings and is only marked as a 'SIM card'.Ī SIM card (full form: Subscriber Identity Module or Subscriber Identification Module) is an integrated circuit (IC) intended to securely store an international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI) number and its related key, which are used to identify and authenticate subscribers on mobile telephone devices (such as mobile phones and laptops).
For the company, see MicroSim Corporation.